When Kevin Keohane retired from the CHEO Foundation as President and CEO he closed the professional chapter of his work to support CHEO, the CHEO Research Institute and Roger Neilson House, yet his commitment endures. On a profoundly personal level as a parent whose premature son needed critical care, and on a practical level as someone with a knowledge of local business concerns, Kevin has always said that it is the community that keeps CHEO strong. He understands that the work of today must support the children, youth and families of tomorrow and that continuity of care must never waiver. His legacy is one of durable and abiding effort and advocacy for children and families who face health challenges and the teams that treat and assist them. The Kevin Keohane Endowment Fund will be a permanent source of funding, the capital preserved in perpetuity with the annual interest directed to services most meaningful to Kevin. This fund is not to honour one man, but to capture and celebrate his legacy of community spirit.
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